Swami Adbhutananda, or Latu Maharaj, was one of the sixteen monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. Swami Vivekananda called him Sri Ramakrishna’s greatest miracle. He remarked upon Latu Maharaj’s uniqueness saying:
“Latu progressed so quickly in the spiritual realm that, considering the different circumstances of his background and ours, he is far greater than us. We were all born of high ancestry and came to the Master with an intellect refined by formal education whereas Latu was entirely illiterate. If we did not care to meditate or do other spiritual practices, we could escape such a mood by studying. But Latu had no other recourse. He had to hold on to a single idea throughout his life. Starting from a very ordinary and low state, by keeping his mind unruffled by meditation and other spiritual practices alone, Latu became fit to receive the highest spiritual wealth. This indicates his inner potential power and the limitless grace of our Master.”
This is an English translation of ‘Sat Katha’ in Bengali by Swami Siddhananda. The translation was completed in 2012 and thereafter serialized in the monthly Prabuddha Bharata.
Swami Siddhananda was Latu Maharaj’s attendant and was fortunate to hear the spiritual instructions which flowed from him. He published a number of his talks serially in the Udbodhan magazine under the title Satkatha which later was published in book form.
Eternal Words – Spiritual Instructions of Swami Adbhutananda
15% Discount on Min.Order Rs.500
AUTHOR/BY Swami Sarvadevananda, Swami Siddhananda
PUBLISHER Advaita Ashrama
ISBN 9788175054769
BINDING Paperback