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This book is a rich, thought-provoking and all-inclusive study of meditation by Swami Satprakashananda, who was the Minister-in-charge of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, USA. It contains the translations of the Sanskrit hymns and prayers, conducted meditations by the author, preparatory steps to the practice of meditation according to the four yogas, and the process of meditation and its culmination. The book also contains three articles on Vedanta in the appendices. This book is recommended for all the practitioners of meditation and also for everyone who wish to lead a higher spiritual life.

Meditation- Its process, Practice and Culmination

SKU: 0443

15% Discount on Min.Order Rs.500

  • Author: Swami Satprakashananda

    Language: English

    Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai

    Binding: Paperback

    Pages : 264

    ISBN: 9788178230443

    Weight (In Kgs): 0.19

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