Shanti Gita, The Song of Peace, delves into the teachings Lord Krishna gave to Arjuna on the 13th day of the Kurukshetra war when Arjuna was grief-stricken on account of the death of his son Abhimanyu. Sri Krishna’s counsel to Arjuna helps the latter regain his mental peace. Like the Bhagavad Gita, this sacred text of 324 slokas in 8 chapters captures the essence of Vedic wisdom and spiritual guidance, offering insights that are transformative and enlightening.
Shanti Gita – The Song of Peace
SKU: 5469
15% Discount on Min.Order Rs.500
Weight 300 g Binding Paperback
ISBN 9788175055469
Language English
No. of Pages 228
Publisher Advaita Ashrama
Year of Publishing 2024