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This book contains Vidayarthi Homa mantras composed by Swami Nirvedananda, an educationist and scholarly monk of the Ramakrishna Order. The meaning of the mantras and their explanatory notes are given by Swami Atmashraddhananda.

These mantras which are essential for character-building for students are taken as vows in a Homa ritual. The vows represent cardinal teachings of Swami Vivekananda whose glowing words of strength and purity are a beacon to all youths. This book will be of great use to the educational institutions who wish to incorporate these character-building vows to students. 

Students' Vows

SKU: 4120

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  • Author:             Swami Nirvedananda

    Language:       English

    Publisher:        Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai

    Binding:           Paperback

    Pages:               50

    ISBN:                 9788178234120

    Weight (In Kgs):  0.040

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