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Dr. T.G.K. Murthy holds a doctoral from the University of Adelaide, Australia. He served ISRO in various capacities for forty-two years before retiring as Director, Atmospheric Science Programme, ISRO HQ, Bangalore, Karnataka.

The author, T.G.K. Murthy, a person of scientific pursuits and thinking, has dealt with various aspects of Swamiji’s ideas, drawing parallels from various scientific works and explores the role of intuition in scientific discoveries.

It is a book worth reading by students and teachers of science.


The genius of Swamiji was such that it covered several fields of activity, including modern science. This sounds strange because Swamiji was not a practicing scientist in the traditional sense, though he had made a deep study of it in his student days. The contention of the author of this book is that, even in the field of science, Swamiji had anticipated some of the later developments in the field of physics. The author has provided several examples for this from Swamiji’s life as well as from his collected works. Swamiji might not have put his intuitive ideas in the language of science, but one can easily transcribe them into scientific language. This has been very well illustrated by the author through a rephrasing of the language in a modern idiom.   

Swami Vivekananda An Intuitive Scientist

SKU: 6261

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  • Author: T.G.K.Murthy

    Language: English

    Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai

    Binding: Paperback

    Pages: 156

    ISBN: 9788178236261

    Weight (In Kgs): 0.135

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